Last year we worked hard to transform some empty retail units in Bedford. We think we did a good job and we’d like to offer the opportunity to others to have a go. We are making small grants available to groups or individuals with the energy and passion to make creative use of the empty shop space in the town. We will work to support the successful projects through both a cash bursary and through our expertise. We would like to make awards of up to £500 to projects that meet our principles and requirements.
We have identified our principles (as lived through our practice) as:
- Resourceful
- High Quality
- Inclusive
- Collaborative
- Participatory
- Temporary but with lasting positive impact
- Community building
We are proud to announce that we are now working in partnership with Stimpsons Eves Chartered Surveyors who are working with us to identify and access empty retail units in the town. Stimpsons Eves Chartered Surveyors believe that We Are Bedford has a very positive and productive approach to the empty shops dilemma currently faced in Bedford.
“We are delighted to have the opportunity to work alongside We are Bedford, seeing new projects brought to life in empty retail units in the town, benefiting existing traders and landlords alike” confirmed Giles Ferris BSc (Hons) MRICS, Managing Director of Stimpsons Eves.
We believe that this is one of the first (if not the first) partnership between an empty shop community group and an estate agency.
When making your application please be aware that we have no control over the units made available to us. Part of the charm and challenge of WAB is that we are flexible and responsive to the available resources. The deadline for round 1 is noon on May 7th
For an application pack please contact Kayte Judge on Kayte@goodthingsltd.com